miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Dear Little Pets...

(por Esc. UNL)

Hello! We are second grade students of the UNL Primary School. There are 25 students in each class. Our group names are Juan Jose Saer and José Pedroni. Our teachers are Emilia, Karina and Carolina (Saer) and Sara and Verónica (Pedroni). Emilia, Karina and Sara are the Spanish teachers and Carolina and Verónica are our English teachers.
Our school has up to the third grade now. We go to classes Mondays through Fridays from 8 am to 3 pm. In the morning we have different subjects: Art, Music, Maths, Spanish and in the afternoons we have English. On Fridays we do sports. We have a Science workshop and we do little experiments. It´s awesome!
We are eight and seven years old. We like reggaeton, Ben 10 and Hannah Montana. Today, we are going to a book fair!
It's really hot in Santa Fe right now! And in Tierra del Fuego? Is it cold there?
We really want to learn about you. How many students are there in the class? What's your school like? What subjects do you have? Do you like your school?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Pedroni and Saer (we are still thinking of a name!)

14 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola soy Facu de la escuela primaria unl de santa fe y me gusta mucho este blog porque es muy divertido!!! y podes ver las fotos de todos/as los/as chicos/as y podes aprender muchas cosas como ingles. Y podes charlar con muchos chicos/as. bueno espero que nos podamos divertir saludos Facu

Anónimo dijo...

I'am student a second grade of the Unl Prymary School, my name is Candelaria.I love my friends.
Others teachers are: Alejandra "Ale"(arts),Noralía"Nori",(music)and Alejandro"Ale"and Viviana"Vivi"(sports).Carmen es la bibliotecaria, "Lili" esnuestra Secretaria y Laura la Directora.

Unknown dijo...

hi facu and candelaria,

I'm andrea.

I'm seven years old.

My favourite animal is the horse.

I've got one mother, one father, two brothers but I havent't got sisters.

Anónimo dijo...

hello facu and candelaria

my name is Jere.

I'm seven years old.

My favourite animal is the crocodile.

I've got one mother and one father.


Anónimo dijo...

Hi! I'm Marco, I go to the UNL Primary School. Today is the firt day that I read the blog, is very cool!! Well, I don't really want to do a coment.
Bye bye!
See you all soon!
Have a nice weekend!! :)
♥ Marco

Anónimo dijo...

su escuela es linda.

Anónimo dijo...

hello im Guillermina ym 8 años amd mi faborite animals is penguin,girafe, lions, bears and cat.

besos para todos.

Anónimo dijo...

my name is celina.I love my school and my city,rio grande.Here is cold and windy.I have ten pets:a cat ,a dog and eight fishis.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi my name is cellina.My school is eadeb.My favorite animals are lion,horse,tiger,copuchino monkey,dogs,cats and pinguin.My favorite colours are red,yellow and pink.Im seven years old.My house is big.I hope seeyou soon.

Anónimo dijo...

hi my name is antonella.my scool is eadeb.my favorite animas are dogs and horse.my favorite cours are yellow and red.im eight years old.my house are pink and white.

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Queridos amigos/as de Rio grande, mi nombre es estanislao soy alumno de la escuela U.N.L,me gusto mucho el trabajo de ciencias de su escuela. Besos para todos

Anónimo dijo...

hola my nombre es antonela.nos gutaria que nos manden una foto de su escuela para verla.xoxo

tomas dijo...

hola mi nombre es tomas de la escuela eadeb tengo 7 años y voi a 2b mi animal preferido es el perro y el leon
chau con amor tomas

Anónimo dijo...

hello my name is tomas my favorite animals is the leon and the dog chau